Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Newness... its wonderful!

I never knew that being so tied up in something could set me free.
BIG NEWS- Got a brand new job!!
BIG NEWS- Lost 5kgs the first week of my brand new job!!
BIG NEWS- Im in a support group for weight loss!!
BIG NEWS- This is it for me, I am set!!

So Last week Tuesday I started this new job, bad bebts, admin, you name it we do it. And by Thursday I was at home in tears.. I believed that this job was too much for little me to take on, that I would not comprehend all that there is that needed comprehending... so in a moment of absolute blinded overwhelming loss of control and complete self doubt.. I called my old boss and begged for my job back. I begged for everything that I wanted to change, back in my life because it was what I was familiar with.. rather the devil you know...
Funny, id prayed for so long to have this in my life, and now I wanted to give it all up because of a little insecurity.. and I almost did!!! But luckily for me, I have some great people in my life. "give it a chance" they said, "NO!" I thought. But I did give it a chance, the following day I went to work, and that morning I cried uncontrollably, I went to the bathroom and wondered what the hell I was doing there!
God will never give you more than you can handle, and this is what I had prayed for, this must be it, I need to relax and curb the self doubt! I should have no fear over a little spreadsheet! I took a deep breath, and started doing my work and everything fell into place, a week later and I am so happy! And I LOVE my job! I cant believe I doubted myself! I am awesome! God made me awesome! Which is why I believe, the devil, he will try rob you of things, you just have to remember why you are in that circumstance in the first place. Because GOD put me there! I really believe that this is the job I will be in for the long run, I believe God placed me there for a reason. And I have met some really wonderful people!!
My Boss lady is just something out of this world! She is a spunky, kind, sweet, nerdy,forty-something lady genius with ten kids and a body of a sixteen year old! She is really a blessing! Not to mention, a great inspiration! This week I have found myself just sitting back and waiting for something to go wrong because everything is going so right, and I think, but wait a sec, this is my time to shine!! NOTHING is going to go wrong because God has me!
So, summary of the week so far.. EPIC awesome and happy!
Weight loss is going great, I have a goal but its secretly secret, suppose only my great friend Ashley knows the secret secret. Iv curbed the stress eating, Iv stopped the lazy couch potatoe-ness, Iv been very pro-active with my LIFE!

So here's to me, the great working lady, may you all be as happy as I am today! xoxo

PS: Ash, I miss our chats old friend.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Like a yo-yo.

The weight of MY world on my shoulders. Today I decided that I seriously need to curb my emotional eating, its not going to happen overnight but I have to do something. This last month, after being on such a good roll, spiralled and I gained everything I had lost due to emotional binge eating, I hate that. Its quite silly, something is troubling you so you eat, and after you eat, you feel guilty that you ate! So I have googled, Yahoo'ed and bing'ed and this is what I came up with, a few pointers:
PS: I am starting with this right now! Not MONDAY, not at the end of the month when I can get a gym membership, NOW!
I set my mind to this a few months ago, I WILL DO THIS!

BE REALISTIC - Make sure your diet is something you can stick with. (CHECK)

BE PATIENT - Be patient with weight loss, you didnt put your weight on over night, it takes time. (DOUBLE CHECK)

BE SUPPORTED -  (BLEH.) I live in a small town in the middle of God's no where, I suppose I am my own support. 

  1. Tame your stress: If stress contributes to your emotional eating, try a stress management technique, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation.
  2.  Have a hunger reality check: Is your hunger physical or emotional? If you ate just a few hours ago and don't have a rumbling stomach, you're probably not really hungry. Give the craving a little time to pass.
  3. Fight boredom: Instead of snacking when you're not truly hungry, distract yourself. Take a walk, watch a movie, play with your cat, listen to music, read, surf the Internet or call a friend.
  4. Take away temptation. Don't keep supplies of comfort foods in your home if they're hard for you to resist. And if you feel angry or blue, postpone your trip to the grocery store until you're sure that you have your emotions in check. (LOCK UP THE BREAD!)

BE VIGILANT - If you lose 15 kgs then gain back 5, its easy to think its ok, but its a slippery slope. (CHECK, CHECK AND CHECK!)

BE ACTIVE - Jillian Michaels Morning workout (CHECK), Evening Walk (CHECK)

DRINK WATER -  There is no comprimise, Drink lots of water. (CHECK)


SET A "NOT WEIGHT" GOAL -  My goal, that I have set now for three years unreached is to run the local town 5k, I will achieve this, next year Jan 2013!

Alrighty, I have to be on my way, I have a 30 minute Jillian Michaels beginners work out to do, and later on this evening, a 30 minute walk. Have a super Tuesday, Love to all.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Lord's kiss:

You are greater than your past. You are stronger than any moment of failure. You can rise like smoke up a chimney. You were meant to spiral to the sky. All the chilling drafts of broken promises should not deny you the gift of life. Never forget that you are alive - sometimes weak, sometimes strong, but alive. You will be right some days and wrong some nights, but don't stop waking up in the morning. the morning is God's gift of another chance to pass the exam. 
He has kissed you gently, tenderly, but definitely. It is not the urgent kiss of a desperate lover who makes demands in the night. He has kissed you with the gentle kiss of a Father's favor whose tenderness would shield you from the traumas of the past. You have been touched, blessed, kissed. One smooch, gently delivered from heaven's lips to human pain. You have been kissed by the Father himself. No wonder Satan has failed to destroy in the night what God has prepared for the light. You have been kissed. 
This is what you have to know if you are to withstand the darkness. This is what you must rehearse against the goblins of old images and past memories that would assault your dreams and turn them into nightmares. Just as sure as a father's kiss would ease a nervous child trying to rest in a strange place, God's kiss is a sedative for you. 
No matter how foreign this place in your life may seem, you must know He prepared you for it. When He kissed you. He shielded you, and you are His. Safe and secure, you may rest in the sanctity and safety of arms that will not fail you. A kiss good night is His way of sealing you till morning. And it will come, it will not tarry. The morning is yours. Spend it well, Use it sparingly. It is a gift. 
The morning is for the hopeful, not the regretful. It is expectation. It is wet dew moistening dry ground. It is humming birds and honking horns and a city yawning into alertness. Greater still, it is the future lying naked before you. Daybreak is stretching into the fresh hours of a new opportunity just created. It is an empty tomb and a filled manger. It is life, love and hope. Never forget about the breaking of day. It will come. 
Nights will pass, tears will dry, and enemies will leave. But you will arise in the morning.

*This morning, while I was at church, I was paging through my bible and a wedding photo of my husband and I fell out from a page that held this message. I thought I would share it because although I feel the message was for me, perhaps the message is for you too. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

The most important things in life... aren't things.

So, for the last few months I have been searching for a job, not the perfect job or a well paying job, just a job, where I can get out, meet people and have a little more human interaction than I currently am having. The beginning of the year, I decided that I wanted needed to go to church more often. I was a firm believer in "you dont have to go to church everyday to be a christian", I should change that to "you dont have to go to church EVERYDAY, but it sure does help renew your faith" haha, I thought that this would be great for me to meet new people, interact and above all, renew my faith that was stagnating ever so slightly. So I decided if I were going to do it, I were going to DO it! So the first sunday at the beginning of the year my husband and I hopped into our car and drove off in the direction that I thought was the church that I had picked out for us. 
I wasnt sure if it was God's plan, or my husband's plan that we ended up in the church that we are in today, but its a good church, it has renewed my faith, I have met some really great people, people that are not different to how I am. People that care about eachother. People that if you did not know them, you would not know how soft natured they are, or how gregarious they are, or that they have a really great hearty laugh! People are such amazing things, I often think how much fun God must have had the day he created man. 
I think the hardest thing in life is when you feel so renewed, so alive and afresh with the hope and love of God, but now your test comes when you have to put your faith in him to deliver on something your heart so desires. You want to intervene, and in the past, I have, and by the past I mean last month, and by "I have", I mean that I probably will again but try really hard not to. The one thing my church has tought me in the short span that I have been there is Simply, Trust God, just TRUST HIM. It's so hard!

Its so funny, we trust him to put the sun in the sky in the morning, and raise the moon for us at night, we trust him to keep our stars burning in the night sky and our oceans full, we trust him to clothe the fields in mielies and keep the baby birds warm... but I have difficulty trusting him with a heart felt wish? Today, I have put all things in perspecive, I am going to trust. I am going to trust that if it is God's will, I will get the job that I applied for, if it is not, I will TRUST that he will bring me along something else.. when the time is right, when his time is right. It's not easy, but it is something I can do. I realise something this morning, prayer is powerful. So I looked online to see if I can find a prayer request site, I did, there are lots, but then I thought to myself, I am about to ask a bunch of people that I dont know, who have never met or seen me to pray for me, regardless of the fact that they dont know just how badly I want this prayer to come to pass. We surround ourselves with real people filled with real prayer, there is no need to refer to virtual people. So instead of signing up, I messaged my pastor, I think that was a good call. So I encourage anyone who needs prayer, ask the people who love you, who surround themselves with you, to pray for you, its the most selfless act we, as human beings can perform.
I think God had a great day when he made people, and when he planted his little seed for love. 

Today is friday, today is the day that I trust God knows what is best for me. 

Dear God,
I place my humble needs before you: My need to meet my responsibilities in the world. My need to use my God-given talents and abilities. My need to fulfill my place here on earth. I pray for Your guidance now to show me the way to the perfect opportunity to do what I love, to do what I can do well, and what will fulfill my needs mentally, spiritually, and financially. Help me to walk in faith as You show me the way!
Thank You, Lord. Amen. 

I hope everyone has a great day. Be blessed!

Monday, February 27, 2012

When life gives you lemons..

OK, so I got my faverite magazine today, its called "Your Family", a good friend of mine recommended I start reading it, and I fell inlove! Anyways, its a great magazine for moms, married women, women in general. I love reading the health section. 
Today I learned that if you want to give your metabolism a kick start, you can put a few drops of Lemon Juice or a few drops of fresh lemon juice to a small glass of water every morning. It also helps with weight loss amongst other good things for your body. 

There are lots of great recepies in the mag this month, perhaps I will share one with you later on. By I really sudgest that if you can get this magazine, go out and get it, it is really worth the money you pay for it.